Today’s post will be short and sweet.

Just checking in to say, even though yesterday’s workout was shoddy, I’m sore today.

30 minutes of lifting and I’m sore.

Oh my, how I’ve fallen off the wagon.

I’m heading down to the gym in about 10 minutes for my planned 5 miler. Here’s hoping my legs hold up after my 2 sets of 8 squats yesterday.


Stupid strength training.

PS- Is that really how you spell “shoddy”?

PPS- My dining table got delivered last night! Expect a picture of the glorious bastard tomorrow.

Shoddy Workout

November 27, 2012

I. Effing. Hate. Lifting.

Hate it. With a capital HATE.

My half marathon program means my current running days are Mondays/Wednesday/Fridays/Saturdays, meaning Tuesdays and Thursdays are my “strength training” days.

I did my 3 miles yesterday (more on that in a sec) and felt fine. Not as awesome as I did on Saturday, but as good as I could feel for a Monday.

But I knew today was going to be a struggle. Tuesday’s in general are hard for me because I have a standing 10am meeting with my managing editor, meaning my usual 10am workout doesn’t happen. And we all know how much I love keeping to a schedule, so normally, the gym doesn’t happen.

But, you guys, I need to get back on track, which means I’ll do best if I follow a program, and my program calls for lifting on Tuesdays.


My meeting ran short today, so I was back at my desk around 10:30. This gave me only about 45 minutes total (that includes changing) to get my booty to the gym. I originally half-heartedly told myself that I’d go after work, but, yeah, no. There’s no way in hell that’s happening today.

So I pouted (legit pouted), put my away status up on my work IM, and made my way down to the gym.

It wasn’t pretty. At all.

My shoulder hurts. I haven’t lifted in a few weeks. And my lack of enthusiasm wasn’t helping me any.

But, I made the most of my 30 minutes I actually had on the gym floor and did a circuit. A really weak circuit, but a circuit.

Warm up/Stretching (I’m too lazy to list everything I did, but it included ankle/knee rolls, and some back and side lunges)

2 rounds of:

Barbell squats: 8 reps with 40 lb bar

Medicine ball slams: 15 reps with 12 lb ball

2 rounds of:

Overhead press: 8 reps with 15lbs DB

Push Ups

2 rounds of:

Stability ball sit ups: 15

Standing side crunches: 10 each side w/ 12 kg KB

Loads of stretching/foam rolling.

I felt awful, and even worse, I’m going to be sore tomorrow which means I’m not lifting enough which means I need to be doing a lot more of it.

Which means I’ll be grumpy Tuesdays and Thursdays.


Tomorrow, I run 5 miles.

I realized that my plan is a 16 week plan, but the half marathon we want to do is less than 16 weeks away, so I need to start a few weeks into my program. It’s not a huge deal– I’ve been running enough that I should be able to handle it.

Until then, I’m going to go dread Thursday.

Arg. Lifting. Seriously. I hate you.

Does anybody have any helpful advice to get over this horrible lifting slump I’m in? Short of hiring a personal trainer (which I can’t afford), I don’t see myself finding any sort of motivation to do it.  Help!