My Weird Pants Habit

December 12, 2012

What’s your weirdest habit?

Mine is every time I leave the gym locker room, I immediately look down to make sure I put on my pants.

No, I’m not kidding.

I have no idea where my fear of unknowingly walking around pants-less comes from, but I apparently have a deep-seated fear of it happening in the gym after a workout.

I’ve never forgotten to put them on. But still, every single time, without fail, I double-check to make sure I have them on.

So weird.

Anyway, here’s a little recap of my workouts since Friday (all done with pants on, thankyouverymuch.)

Monday, my plan called for 3 miles. I took it nice and easy and finished in about 28:30.

Tuesday was Phase 1, Workout 1 of NROLFW. I was really tired, so I did pretty much the bare of bones. (Normally I mix in a few quick bursts of cardio to keep my heart rate up, but there was none of that.)

Today, my plan called for 45 minutes of running. It averaged out to about 4.75 miles.

In all honesty, I could have gone faster, but I wanted to try to keep my pace to what it will most likely be when I run the half marathon. I threw in a couple intervals at a quicker pace, but generally kept it pretty steady.

This was first time in a long time that I didn’t have to switch to walking/sprint intervals to combat treadmill boredom. Maybe it was because I was distracted by the idiocy that is Kathie Lee and Hoda on the gym’s main television?

If that’s the case, I’ll take it. Nothing like a few bimbos drinking wine on TV to pass the time.

Anyway, that’s all I’ve got going on over here. We cut down our tree over the weekend and are decorating it tonight, so I’ll be sure to post a picture of the lil fella  when it’s done. (Seriously, he’s a lil fella. It was kind of slim pickins’ at the Christmas tree farm. But he’s cute anyway.)

Happy Wednesday! Make sure to keep your pants on, y’all!

2 Responses to “My Weird Pants Habit”

  1. DAD Says:

    I don’t have that problem.Evey time I leave the gym, I’m pant-ing pretty good. But, as they say in the Bud Light commercials–It’s not weird if it works!

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